Chronis Taxidis is the world famous musician from Greece, the author of professional bellydance music, used by many famous BD stars. Successfully released 7 albums.
Chronis Taxidis is the highly skilled professional instructor for dancers in such matters like:
- Live tabla solo improvisation
- Live orchestra improvisation
- Sagat playing for dancer level and professionally
- Arab rhythmology, history of music for dancers, traditions of music connected with music and dance performances
Chronis Taxidis is involved and is coauthor of such big projects like study programs for the dancers “Sandra method” by Sandra – France, “Darbuka planet” by Simona Minisini – Italy and intensive courses by Berit Aicha Vill – Estonia.
He is an organizer of amazing Arabic music culture and dance concert “To Dance or not to Dance” in Greece and, of course, took a part in numerous workshops all around the world

Lenka Badriyah is a dancer from the Czech Republic, now teaching regularly in Belgium. She is known for her Golden Era Raqs Sharqi dances, recreations, and unique teaching.
Lenka has been a dance teacher for more than 17 years, performing in more than 60 shows in Japan, Taiwan, Morocco, Australia, the United States and other countries. The organizer of the Kan Zaman festival and the Leylet Raqs festival.
Badriyah is passionate about Raqs Sharqi and its history. She loves to study legendary Egyptian dancers, and perform so-called Golden Era Bellydance. Badriyah is a collector of vintage items depicting Golden Era legends.
To share all this content with the dance community, Badriyah created an online museum on her website (www.badriyahbellydance.com) and now she is renovating a space to build an actual Raqs Sharqi Museum in Belgium.

Marta Kalva – dancer and teacher. She has been dancing oriental dance since 2007 and regularly improves her knowledge at workshops and individual classes.
An award winner in many different international competitions such as “Cairo Festival Budapest,” “Etoiles d’Orient Festival” and “ODM” Festival. Her style differs with movement flowing and softness with a little ballet technique touch.
Marta is the main winner of the Jamila Queen Crown 2024!
Aside from winning the crown, Marta also participated in a workshop at the festival

Mikaela Jokinen is a Master’s student in the arts, a cultural producer, dance instructor, choreographer, and performer based in Helsinki. She is renowned for her versatility across various dance styles and spent a year working as a dancer in India. Mikaela is an energetic and inspiring teacher who views dance as a complete package of culture, music, movement, and joy!
Mikaela and her group, Etnica, have achieved success both in Finland and internationally, earning recognition for their performances and choreography. She has produced numerous dance events and strives to increase the visibility and appreciation of Middle Eastern and Indian dance styles in Finland.

Vera Voichenko (LVA)
She is Multiplicate winner of national and international competitions and bellydance festivals in Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Sweden, Lithuania, Spain and Cyprus, head of the “Sapphire Oriental dance studio” in Riga, certified teacher, judge LMDA (IDO). Belarusian nationality.
She began her artistic preparation in 2008 in Belarus. Since then, she has been trained by international teachers: Raqia Hassan, Lubna Emam, Mohamed Kazafy, Tommy King, Aziza, Camelia, Shahrzad etc
She also took part in various television programs as an oriental dancer
Vera is the lover of Egyptian style and folklore.

Annushka Bellydancer
Coming from Estonia, Annushka Bellydancer is a seasoned professional with her breathtaking choreographies.

At the Jamila Festival, we have a separate nomination for beginners — “Rising Stars”! 🌟
The nomination will be judged by Angelina Statkevich a talented and experienced master who will help you unleash your creative potential and give valuable recommendations for growth.