Jamila Festival 8.02.2025, Chronis Taxidis, workshop Live orchestra improvisation



Chronis Taxidis is the world famous musician from Greece, the author of professional bellydance music, used by many famous BD stars. Successfully released 7 albums.

Chronis Taxidis is the highly skilled professional instructor for dancers in such matters like:

  • Live tabla solo improvisation
  • Live orchestra improvisation
  • Sagat playing for dancer level and professionally
  • Arab rhythmology, history of music for dancers, traditions of music connected with music and dance performances

Live orchestra improvisation (rools of dancing with orchestra, instrument importance for a dancer, movement usage with different instruments, correct coreo structure on the music, composition structure for correct performance and ect.)

Place: SILTA-KAMPUS, Kankaantaankatu 4, Nokia
Time: 8.02.2025, 10:00-12:00



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